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Season 4: Rebranding in Progress

Welcome to the revamped JT Adventures and Story Content podcast! In 2025, I’ll be putting more focus on this channel as I close out the JTNorton website. Expect a blend of exciting content, featuring both Disc Golf and Non-Disc Golf topics.

You’ll see two distinct themes:

This podcast will evolve based on what you, the listeners, enjoy most. Whatever brings in more traffic will get more attention—but don’t worry, disc golf will always be a core part of what I do.

Disc Golf Play-by-Play Recordings: "Let’s have some fun playing disc golf!"
Disclaimer: I'm not a pro, and I’m not here to coach anyone—just a passionate disc golfer enjoying the game and sharing the experience.

WARNING: Episodes may contain strong language—because, let’s face it, disc golf can be frustrating at times, and sometimes we just need to vent. So, if you’re easily offended, be advised!

JT - This podcast is a product of
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JT Norton
